I am mostly into FOSS and Python which I try to promote across the pretty island.
I spend most of my time learning and prototyping Python projects and libraries. Though, I do spend some time working as a Data Analyst for La Sentinelle Ltd. 😉
I am a contributing member of the Python Software Foundation and currently I'm volunteering in the Python Trademark Workgroup. You, might get some email from me and my fellows in case you are using the Python Logo.
As for locally, you'll definitely find me during the three days of the annual Developers Conference. I am also somewhat active in the Linux User Group of Mauritius and the Python Mauritius User Group.
This blog mostly depicts my opinion and views on global as well as local matters. Sometimes there's fun stuff like Video Game Reviews and cool tutorials on Python and AI stuffs.
You can ping me on [email protected] or on any social media platforms below.